If you don't see a link to
"Come-Out-For-Gymnastics-four-oh-eight-two.mp4" below,
please press F-5 to refresh your page.
If you don't see a link to
"Come-Out-For-Gymnastics-four-oh-eight.mp4" below,
please press F-5 to refresh your page.
If you don't see a link to
"Come-Out-For-Gymnastics-four-oh-seven.mp4" below,
please press F-5 to refresh your page.
If you don't see a link to
"Come out for Gymnastics -5 v105E" below,
please press F-5 to refresh your page.
Scroll down to see the latest videos
(The latest is: Come-Out-For-Gymnastics-four-oh-eight-two
a smaller footprint: 180 mb and still 15 minutes)
The latest
Added July 10, 2022
Updated it once again to add a few more teammates. Ran it through conversion
now only approximately 180 mb - easy to take down to your computer or stream from here.
Are you in this video? It is 15:00 minutes long and about a hundred
different young men from the start of our program, from our first appearance
in the City Championships in 1980 (we didn't win) through my final year coaching
with Petro and retiring from coaching in 2018 (we won that one!) Anyway, you have
to watch it to know if you are in there. Enjoy!
Help us maintain the program. Donate Today. You can write a check to make a donation to our Athletic Development Fund.
For further information about our programs or this website, you can contact kenach@gmail.com
LICHS Athletic Development Fund
Ken Achiron, Chair
Brauli Rodriguez
Boys Gymnastics Coach
Long Island City High School
1430 Broadway
Long Island City, NY 11106
Site updated (July 10, 2022)
Welcome to Long Island City High School
PSAL Boys Gymnastics City Champions - 2018
Reunion: SUCCESS!
Sunday, June 12, 2022
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM 6th floor Student Caf
The Reunion was a tremendous success. Thank you to all
who were able to make it. We had just over a hundred there.
Excellent food and video.
I know some are disappointed they did not make it. We, too are sorry
we missed the opportunity to see you. Let's not miss the chance
next year! Put it on your calendar now. Assuming another year that
let's us gather, it will be the
See you then!
Welcome to Long Island City High School
PSAL Boys Gymnastics City Champions - 2018
For Igor Korobchynskyi and the Ukraine and those in peril
Let's take a walk down your street. It's early in the morning, before school would start, but school hasn't been open for maybe a month. So, although you are just going to the market, you don't want to leave the children behind at the house. Who knows what could happen while you're gone. The radio has been dead for a month, so there's no way to know what is waiting for you at the market. It's just a 10 minute walk, but a dangerous 10 minute walk.When you get there, your three children in tow; your ten year old boy, your five year old girl, and your five month old baby girl, your heart sinks. There is no supermarket, only rubble, smoke, and shards of glass where the windows were. Clearly getting food for your hungry and crying children isn't happening. To make matters worse, the bank where you had your money was next door to the market and also hit. No chance getting money now.Now what? Get out, that's what! But how? No money, no food, three young children hungry, frightened, crying, and anxious, making it that much more difficult to make plans and get out. Your husband is somewhere on the line, where only, God knows. Where do you turn now?As I wrote yesterday, Igor Korobchynskyi, is a former Olympic, World, and European Gymnastics Champion from Ukraine, who was also the president of the Ukraine Gymnastics Federation for ten years. Igor is an icon of Gymnastics, not only in all of Europe but around the world. Igor, himself and his family, are safe in Ireland. However, he is working every minute to help rescue these women and children desperately trying to leave the dangers with nothing other than their children, the clothing they are wearing and maybe a sandwich in their pocket for the children to share when the hunger becomes unbearable. The situation is truly heartbreaking and getting even worse daily. If you can find it in your heart to support Igor's efforts with a check tonight, I guarantee you will feel good writing it. I have Igor's address which for security reasons is not being published here. Clearly it would put him at risk. If you would like to help please get in touch with me either through Messenger or my email if you know it. You have my word I will forward every cent to Igor for his use rescuing these refugees. Thank You for your help.
Ken Achiron
Help us maintain the program. Donate Today. You can write a check to make a donation to our Athletic Development Fund.
For further information about our programs or this website, you can contact kenach@gmail.com
LICHS Athletic Development Fund
Ken Achiron, Chair
Brauli Rodriguez
Boys Gymnastics Coach
Long Island City High School
1430 Broadway
Long Island City, NY 11106
Site updated (June 4, 2022)
Welcome to Long Island City High School
PSAL Boys Gymnastics City Champions - 2018
Added July 4, 2022
Updated it once again to add a few more teammates.
Are you in this video? It is 15:00 minutes long and about a hundred
different young men from the start of our program, from our first appearance
in the City Championships in 1980 (we didn't win) through my final year coaching
with Petro and retiring from coaching in 2018 (we won that one!) Anyway, you have
to watch it to know if you are in there. Enjoy!
Added July 1, 2022
Are you in this video? It is 15:00 minutes long and about a hundred
different young men from the start of our program, from our first appearance
in the City Championships in 1980 (we didn't win) through my final year coaching
with Petro and retiring from coaching in 2018 (we won that one!) Anyway, you have
to watch it to know if you are in there. Enjoy!
Added May 23, 2022
Come Out for Gymnastics - 4 v. 105E (2022-05-23 Length: 14:20)
We have tweaked the file further, added some additional gymnasts
and made better use of the music. The gymnasts start around 1983
and continue into 2018. A number of gymnasts were added. I think
the number of gymnastics is arounbd 100. Check it out, maybe
you're there!
We have tweaked Come-Out-for Gymnastics 4-xxx , adding a few more gymnasts from many
different years without increasing the length of tiome any further. in our newest promotional
video for students at the school to come out for the sport! Watch it! You'll be impressed with
the level of Gymnastics that High School can produce! Throughout our history, our teams have
been a mix of pure high school gymnasts and a few club athletes. Together our program has
become a major activity at the school with high standards good outcomes. In our program at
Long Island City High School "We don't train Olympians, we create adults." Gymnastics here
isTotal excitement! LICHS Gymnastics is back, and we are here to celebrate it! Added quite a
few additional team members. Watch it, maybe you are in there! Enjoy!
A promotional video for students at the school to come out for the sport!
Watch it! You'll be impressed with the level of Gymnastics that High School can produce!
Total excitement! LICHS Gymnastics is back, and we are here to celebrate it! Added quite
a few additional team members. Watch it, maybe you are in there! Enjoy!
Added December 28, 2021
Come Out For Gymnastics -3 v.101A (2021-12-27 Length: 9 min:55 sec)
A promotional video for students at the school to come out for the sport!
Watch it! You'll be impressed with the level of Gymnastics that High School can produce!
Total excitement! LICHS Gymnastics is back, and we are here to celebrate it! Enjoy!
Help us maintain the program. Donate Today. You can write a check to make a donation to our Athletic Development Fund.
For further information about our programs or this website, you can contact kenach@gmail.com
LICHS Athletic Development Fund
Ken Achiron, Chair
Brauli Rodriguez
Boys Gymnastics Coach
Long Island City High School
1430 Broadway
Long Island City, NY 11106
Site updated July 10, 2022)
Support LIC Athletics
Give the Dog a Bone!
Why athletics? Why Long Island City High School?
Long Island City High School in Queens, NY is a member of the New York City Public Schools Athletic League and competes in almost every sport the PSAL maintains. You can follow our PSAL teams here. You can see more of our activities at Department of Education's schoolwires site.
We are the communities we come from. We have many first generation students just beginning to learn English. We are a Title I school, with family incomes low enough that better than 65% of our students will qualify for free lunch under the federal guidelines. We accept those who wish to come here, some of whom have significant learning issues. In short, we are the PUBLIC's School. We take those who come here, and we don't say no. We provide access and opportunity.
Along with a fine academic program, Long Island City offers a chance to compete for over 30 teams, one of the largest, most diversified programs in New York City. From football to gymnastics, from wrestling to fencing, from cricket to basketball, from volleyball to golf, from tennis to swimming and everything in between, students at LIC have the opportunity to participate in many different sports. We are above the city-wide average in the number of advanced placement classes our students take. We encourage every student capable of success to take tose classes condisered crucial for college-readiness.
We need your help. Athletic programs are costly. Equipment must be maintained for safety. Larger teams call for more uniforms for more players. Some sports require different color uniforms for home and away games. A solid plan of replacement over the years requires a continual stream of funding. Most of our tax-levy funding by the city goes towards our academic programs. We are working very hard on raising our Graduation rate and the last two years have paid off with more kids graduating on time. We are definitely on the rise in our graduation rate.
Your donation will help. You will make the difference for a young person who wants to participate in athletics, who attends a real public high school, and whose family income makes it a chore for them to stay on the team, attend their classes, perhaps work a job to help the family, take care of the younger ones in the household, and graduate on time. We try to get every student involved in the school community. Especially if you are an alumni, especially if you were on a team at Long Island City High School, it's time to give back. You will be helping young people follow in your path. All funds donated here go to the program; salaries are paid by the DOE. Fundraising expenses for this project are limited to the minimal cost of credit card transaction Even the cost of the website is being covered through a separate donation so that yours will go toward the actual program itself.
Help us maintain the program. Donate Today. You can write a check to make a donation to our Athletic Development Fund.
Attention All Alumni !!!
Sixth Annual
Golf Reunion and Fund Raiser for LICHS Athletics
May 7, 2020
1:00 PM
Golf Package includes lunch and dinner.
If you don't play golf - you can purchase just the dinner and join us at 6:00 PM
You can hold your place by clicking on the link below which will take you to our page where you can purchase your place on the golf course for lunch, golf and dinner or just a seat for dinner.
Once you have paid for your golf, you should email your foursome or request for partners to John Skouras at jscooter12@aol.com
For all the details and to reserve your seat
Click on this link:

Home of the Bulldogs
Vivian Selenikas, Principal
to the
PSAL City Champions Boys Gymnastics Team
(3 years running and twelve total !plus this year for 13)
A perfect season - in 2014: undefeated 7-0, matching their previous year's record and for THREE YEARS, a RECORD 20 - 1.
2018 record: 6 - 0
2017 record: 3 - 3
2016 record: 5 - 2
Wiith a 14-5 record for the last three years, it was time to breakout and advance.
See the 2018 Round up on the left and coming soon, the Road to Gold 2018
See this year's Round up to the right.
Watch the our Road to Gold (aka Buuldog Sports) series as we win Number 13! Then sit back and enjoy our Championship in 2014 as we did a "three-peat" as City Champions' Click on the image: "Bulldog Sports" below... The 2018 version of the Road to Gold - aka "Bulldog Sports" is below.

2018 Gymnastics Team
Round up
Still rebuilding! Last year was a difficult year with many surprises. In many ways you could say it was a Cinderella Season. For health reasons, I took the Asst Coach position again, feeling that I couldn't spot the potentially heavy skills at HB Rings, or Vault where it's required. Anthony Petrocelli, my former assistant coach (2002-2009)was head coach. In November, I don't think we were confident of a .500 record. We opened with a decisive win over Tottenville, then squeezed out a victory over Stuyvesant by 0.2. From there, it was as though they caught fire and had a spectacular run, winning all of their meets and finishing at 6-0. In the team championship, one of the closest ever, they were able to win over JFK by a slim margin of 119-118. When the dust had settled after event finals,our two captains, had won the individual City Championships in the All Around, Rings, Parallel Bars and High Bar, as well as making All-City, We hit at just the right time, team and Individual Finals, to score 119.1 in the Team Champs, to win our 13th Team Title and earn 4 individual event titles. It was an exciting year!
You can help!
Even a $10.00 donation to our
Grip (and Equipment) Fund will help!
You know how necessary grips are!
Long Island City Grip Fund
If you were in gymnastics or had a friend
in gymnastics, then you know how expensive grips are,
along with everything else, and how often you need new grips. If every alumni of the team made a small contribution to our Grip Fund, we could ensure all boys had the necessary safety gear all the time. This is your way of saying "Thank You" to the program that helped you to be who you are today. Donate now - help us ensure our team has proper grips and other necessary learning equipment to keep us safe and successful. Enable us to continue buying such things as soft mats that prevent injuries during the learning process.
Long Island City HS
The second Culinary Arts kitchen promised to us by Chancellor Farina
has been built as in use with students learning daily. Culinary Arts
is one of our most desired programs, and expanding our facility will no
doubt increase our enrollment which will help all around.
Feed the Dogs
Give the Dog a Bone!
(this site is donated and is not paid for by our school)
38th Annual (2019)
L.I.City HS Invitational Gymnastics Tournament
1.F.H. LaGuardia HS
2. Stuyvesant HS
37th Annual (2018)
L.I.City HS Invitational Gymnastics Tournament
1. J.F. Kennedy HS
2. Long Island CityHS
36th Annual (2017)
L.I.City HS Invitational Gymnastics Tournament
1. Stuyvesant HS
2. J.F. Kennedy HS
35th Annual (2016)
L.I.City HS Invitational Gymnastics Tournament
1. Stuyvesant HS
2. F.H. LaGuardia HS
34th Annual (2015)
L.I.City HS Invitational Gymnastics Tournament
1. F.H. LaGuardia HS
2. John F. Kennedy Campus HS
33rd Annual (2014)
L.I.City HS Invitational Gymnastics Tournament
1. Long Island City HS
2. Stuyvesant HS
Click on the button below
to donate to our Athletic Development Fund.
This is a genral fund, supporting all our teams.
Looking for the Tournament Journal? Look over
to your right to target the journal.
"Thank you"
to all who
took space in last year's Tournament Program
Getting ready for January's tournament? (2022)
You can do it right here,
no more need for checks, envelopes, stamps, etc.
Click on the button below
Want to Help All Our Teams Through our General Fund?
Use this Button
Please Read! Important Information
about space in this year's program
Unfortunately this year we do not have the services
of our credit card payment processing vendor.
Therefore we must respectfully ask that all payments pay by check
until we can replace them. Please make you check payable to
Long Island City High School with "LIC Invitational on the memo line.
I am sorry for the inconvenience. You can still email your copy to me at kench@gmail.com
Support LIC Athletics
Give the Dog a Bone!
Why athletics? Why Long Island City High School?
Long Island City High School in Queens, NY is a member of the New York City Public Schools Athletic League and competes in almost every sport the PSAL maintains. You can follow our PSAL teams here. You can see more of our activities at Department of Education's schoolwires site.
We are the communities we come from. We have many first generation students just beginning to learn English. We are a Title I school, with family incomes low enough that better than 65% of our students will qualify for free lunch under the federal guidelines. We accept those who wish to come here, some of whom have significant learning issues. In short, we are the PUBLIC's School. We take those who come here, and we don't say no. We provide access and opportunity.
Along with a fine academic program, Long Island City offers a chance to compete for over 30 teams, one of the largest, most diversified programs in New York City. From football to gymnastics, from wrestling to fencing, from cricket to basketball, from volleyball to golf, from tennis to swimming and everything in between, students at LIC have the opportunity to participate in many different sports. We are above the city-wide average in the number of advanced placement classes our students take. We encourage every student capable of success to take tose classes condisered crucial for college-readiness.
We need your help. Athletic programs are costly. Equipment must be maintained for safety. Larger teams call for more uniforms for more players. Some sports require different color uniforms for home and away games. A solid plan of replacement over the years requires a continual stream of funding. Most of our tax-levy funding by the city goes towards our academic programs. We are working very hard on raising our Graduation rate and the last two years have paid off with more kids graduating on time. We are definitely on the rise in our graduation rate.
Your donation will help. You will make the difference for a young person who wants to participate in athletics, who attends a real public high school, and whose family income makes it a chore for them to stay on the team, attend their classes, perhaps work a job to help the family, take care of the younger ones in the household, and graduate on time. We try to get every student involved in the school community. Especially if you are an alumni, especially if you were on a team at Long Island City High School, it's time to give back. You will be helping young people follow in your path. All funds donated here go to the program; salaries are paid by the DOE. Fundraising expenses for this project are limited to the minimal cost of credit card transaction Even the cost of the website is being covered through a separate donation so that yours will go toward the actual program itself.